Riina O in Beirut

Mid-October Riina O was invited to the weird and wonderful Beirut to teach the 3-day glove-making workshop at the Lebanese American University.
Beirut is an extraordinary place where gloves are mostly worn for fashion, not for function, unlike in most of Europe and the US these days. And whilst allegedly it does get chilly there in Winter, at the time of the visit it was 34c at night! Much cooler indoors though.

The lovely group of third year fashion students learned various stitching techniques working with the thin gloving leather, the students were guided through the adjustments of the standard size glove patterns to create an exact fit and instructed how to make the first sample glove, which some people managed to finish by the end of the 3-day workshop.

The workshop fell on the busy week of mid-term deadlines, so the dedication, patience and time put into it from the students was worth appreciating!

The weather was definitely favouring short and airy fashion gloves.
The beautiful view of the Raouché rocks brought relaxing holiday feel.
Thank you Beirut for your kindness! I wish you and your wonderful people all the best!
I hope we will meet again!